What does happen if a man can apprehend his emptiness and the infinity of God?
Monday, 30 November -0001 00:00
Sayyed Roohullah Musavi
the world, creatures, Islam, human perfection, perfect man, the Universal Man, Imam, true fallowers of the Imam
mystical ontology, the world in the mystical prespective, knowing God
{\rtf1\fbidis\ansi\ansicpg1256\deff0\deflang1065{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Calibri;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\ltrpar\sl276\slmult1\lang1033\f0\fs28 If man becomes endowed with such vision and power of apprehension that the world and all that is in it depend upon an Infinite Being who possesses life, power, knowledge and every perfection to an infinite degree and if he see this reality that Man and every other being in the world are like so many windows that display according to their capacity the world of eternity which transcends them and lies beyond them then the tent of his separative existence will fall down before his eyes like a bubble on the surface of water. It is at this moment that man takes from himself and all creatures the quality of independence and primacy and returns these qualities to their Owner. He detaches himself from all things to attach himself solely to the One God. Before His Majesty and Grandeur he does nothing but bow in humility. Only then does he become guided and directed by God so that whatever he knows he knows in God. Through Divine guidance he becomes adorned with moral and spiritual virtue and pure actions that manifest - the same as Islam itself - the submission to God which exists in the primordial nature of things.
\par This is the highest degree of human perfection and the rank of the perfect man (the Universal Man; al-Insan al-kamel), namely the impeccable Imam who has reached this rank through Divine grace. Furthermore, those who have reached this rank through the practice of spiritual methods, with the different ranks and stations that they possess, are the true followers of the Imam.
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Shia in Islam, p 75, by Allamah Tabatabai
Kawther Rahmani
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If man becomes endowed with such vision and power of apprehension that the world and all that is in it depend upon an Infinite Being who possesses life, power, knowledge and every perfection to an infinite degree and if he see this reality that Man and every other being in the world are like so many windows that display according to their capacity the world of eternity which transcends them and lies beyond them then the tent of his separative existence will fall down before his eyes like a bubble on the surface of water. It is at this moment that man takes from himself and all creatures the quality of independence and primacy and returns these qualities to their Owner. He detaches himself from all things to attach himself solely to the One God. Before His Majesty and Grandeur he does nothing but bow in humility. Only then does he become guided and directed by God so that whatever he knows he knows in God. Through Divine guidance he becomes adorned with moral and spiritual virtue and pure actions that manifest - the same as Islam itself - the submission to God which exists in the primordial nature of things. This is the highest degree of human perfection and the rank of the perfect man (the Universal Man; al-Insan al-kamel), namely the impeccable Imam who has reached this rank through Divine grace. Furthermore, those who have reached this rank through the practice of spiritual methods, with the different ranks and stations that they possess, are the true followers of the Imam.

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