To what extent must a Muslim obey and respect his parents? Is this respect conditioned by religion and faith?
Saturday, 20 August 2011 00:00
Sayyed Roohullah Musavi
تغيير عنوان و تغيير سؤال و ويرايش متن و کلمات کليدي و مرتبط
parents, dutifulness to parents,beautiful Islamic manners
Islamic ethics, Islamic manners, Muslim, Islam, the prophets' directions, good destiny, beatiful death, politheism, how to introduce Islam
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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\ltrpar\fi720\lang1033\f0\fs28 Muslims are required to obey their parents in all matters except for shirk, or making partners with God, the Glorious. Allah, the Exalted, says: "And We have recommended man in respect of his parents, his mother bore him enduring weakness upon weakness, and his weaning takes two years, saying, 'Be grateful to Me and to your parents, for to Me is the eventual return.' And if they contend with you that you should associate with Me what you have no knowledge of, then, do not obey them, and keep company with them in this world with kindness\'85' (31:14-15).
\par Zakariyya ibn Ibrahim was a Christian who had professed Islam at the hands of Imam al-Sadiq (A). He once asked the Imam: "I have a mother who has lost her sight. I live with my family and eat out of their utensils; what is the ruling on that?" The Imam asked: 'Do they eat pork?" Zakariyya answered: "No, my Lord." Then Imam said: "Eat with them and be kind to your mother as much as you can."
\par He returned back to Kufa and started respecting and serving his mother to a remarkable degree; he was feeding her by hand, washing her clothes, and cleaning her body. She was so astonished that she asked him one day: "O my son, when you were joining our religion you did not behave like you are now. You are kind to me, you have mercy upon me, and you show affection to me."
\par Zakariyya answered his mother with beautiful Islamic manners, saying: "A man from the offspring of the Prophet advised me to do that." The mother said: "Is he a Prophet?" The son answered: "No, mother. He is one of the Prophet's sons." The mother said: "But these are the Prophets' recommendations?" He answered: "O mother, he is not a Prophet. He is one of his sons, and he is an Imam." Then she kindly said: "O my son, O Zakariyya, adhere to your religion for it is one of the best religions." Then she added: "Make it clear for me, O my son."
\par Zakariyya started explaining to her the beliefs of Islam and God's recommendations to the followers of this true religion. The mother's heart submitted, and then she professed Islam and learned how to pray. When noon arrived, she performed the Dhuhr prayer and then Asr; when the sun set, she performed Maghrib and then Isha.
\par Afterwards, she felt ill and kept to her bed. God, the Glorious, willed that her soul would ascend to its Creator and she passed away as a believing Muslim. The Muslims attended her funeral rites and she was buried in an Islamic graveyard surrounded by fellow Muslims.
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Islamic manners 1 - p81, Published by Jamia al-Mustafa
Islamic manners 1
Kawther Rahmani
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Muslims are required to obey their parents in all matters except for shirk, or making partners with God, the Glorious. Allah, the Exalted, says: "And We have recommended man in respect of his parents, his mother bore him enduring weakness upon weakness, and his weaning takes two years, saying, 'Be grateful to Me and to your parents, for to Me is the eventual return.' And if they contend with you that you should associate with Me what you have no knowledge of, then, do not obey them, and keep company with them in this world with kindness…' (31:14-15). Zakariyya ibn Ibrahim was a Christian who had professed Islam at the hands of Imam al-Sadiq (A). He once asked the Imam: "I have a mother who has lost her sight. I live with my family and eat out of their utensils; what is the ruling on that?" The Imam asked: 'Do they eat pork?" Zakariyya answered: "No, my Lord." Then Imam said: "Eat with them and be kind to your mother as much as you can." He returned back to Kufa and started respecting and serving his mother to a remarkable degree; he was feeding her by hand, washing her clothes, and cleaning her body. She was so astonished that she asked him one day: "O my son, when you were joining our religion you did not behave like you are now. You are kind to me, you have mercy upon me, and you show affection to me." Zakariyya answered his mother with beautiful Islamic manners, saying: "A man from the offspring of the Prophet advised me to do that." The mother said: "Is he a Prophet?" The son answered: "No, mother. He is one of the Prophet's sons." The mother said: "But these are the Prophets' recommendations?" He answered: "O mother, he is not a Prophet. He is one of his sons, and he is an Imam." Then she kindly said: "O my son, O Zakariyya, adhere to your religion for it is one of the best religions." Then she added: "Make it clear for me, O my son." Zakariyya started explaining to her the beliefs of Islam and God's recommendations to the followers of this true religion. The mother's heart submitted, and then she professed Islam and learned how to pray. When noon arrived, she performed the Dhuhr prayer and then Asr; when the sun set, she performed Maghrib and then Isha. Afterwards, she felt ill and kept to her bed. God, the Glorious, willed that her soul would ascend to its Creator and she passed away as a believing Muslim. The Muslims attended her funeral rites and she was buried in an Islamic graveyard surrounded by fellow Muslims.

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