Please explain the importance of the way children are fed and the best food that can be given to babies
Saturday, 25 June 2011 00:00
Sayyed Roohullah Musavi
ويرايش سؤال و کلمات مرتبط و کليدي
housewife, feeding, health, illness, children, milk, nourishing food, mother, nutrition
hygiene, health, healthy children, body and soul, healthy mother
{\rtf1\fbidis\ansi\ansicpg1256\deff0\deflang1065{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\ltrpar\fi720\lang1033\f0\fs28 Another important duty of a housewife is feeding her child(ren). Health or illness, beauty or ugliness, even good or bad temperedness and the cleverness of children are all related to the way they are fed. Children have a different feeding pattern compared with that of adults. They have different requirements at different ages and therefore mothers have to take this point into consideration when feeding their children.
\par \pard\ltrpar ab The best and the most nourishing food is milk as it contains all that is required for a healthy body. Thus for a baby there is nothing more suitable than the mother's milk. Since milk contains ingredients which are suitable for the baby's digestive system, therefore, there are no problems in feeding a baby with mother's milk. Furthermore, one does not need to boil it, pasteurize it, or sterilize it. One also need not worry about its genuineness.
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\par \pard\ltrpar\li1440\b Imam Ali (A) stated: "There is no better and more copious food for a baby than mother's milk."\b0 (1)
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\par \pard\ltrpar\li1440 Dr A. H. Taba, the former head of the eastern Mediterranean region of the World Health Organization said: "One of the important factors which makes a child susceptible to many illnesses is depriving him or her of mother's milk which is the only life insurance of any person." (2)
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\par \pard\ltrpar\fi720 Thus, mothers who feed their babies with their own milk must remember that all the necessary nutrition for their babies are contained within that milk. But a nutritive milk is only possible if the mother is fed well, that is, the quality of her milk is related to the quality and quantity of her own food. The better her food, the better her milk would be. Mothers who feed their babies with their own milk can, through carelessness about their food, damage their own health as well as that of their babies.
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\par References
\par (1) \i Wasa'il al-Shi'a\i0 , vol. 15, p. 175.
\par (2) \i Ittela'at\i0 , 15th Farvardin, 1353 Solar Hijri.
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Another important duty of a housewife is feeding her child(ren). Health or illness, beauty or ugliness, even good or bad temperedness and the cleverness of children are all related to the way they are fed. Children have a different feeding pattern compared with that of adults. They have different requirements at different ages and therefore mothers have to take this point into consideration when feeding their children. The best and the most nourishing food is milk as it contains all that is required for a healthy body. Thus for a baby there is nothing more suitable than the mother's milk. Since milk contains ingredients which are suitable for the baby's digestive system, therefore, there are no problems in feeding a baby with mother's milk. Furthermore, one does not need to boil it, pasteurize it, or sterilize it. One also need not worry about its genuineness. Imam Ali (A) stated: "There is no better and more copious food for a baby than mother's milk." (1) Dr A. H. Taba, the former head of the eastern Mediterranean region of the World Health Organization said: "One of the important factors which makes a child susceptible to many illnesses is depriving him or her of mother's milk which is the only life insurance of any person." (2) Thus, mothers who feed their babies with their own milk must remember that all the necessary nutrition for their babies are contained within that milk. But a nutritive milk is only possible if the mother is fed well, that is, the quality of her milk is related to the quality and quantity of her own food. The better her food, the better her milk would be. Mothers who feed their babies with their own milk can, through carelessness about their food, damage their own health as well as that of their babies. ________ References (1) Wasa'il al-Shi'a, vol. 15, p. 175. (2) Ittela'at, 15th Farvardin, 1353 Solar Hijri.

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