Please prove the infallibility of prophets using intellectual reasons!
Monday, 30 November -0001 00:00
Sayyed Roohullah Musavi
infallibility of prophets, committing sin
prophethood, prophecy, prophets
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owidctlpar\cf1\lang1033\f0\fs28 The first intellectual reason for the necessity of the prophets' immunity against committing sin,lies in their purpose. Namely, the Prophet's mission is to guide man towards the truth and teach him how to perform the duties God has assigned to him.Moreover, the prophets (AS) are in fact the representatives of God among men and must guide them towards the right path (\i As-sirat al-mustaqeem\i0 ). However, if such representatives and missionaries do not obey the Divine instructions themselves and their behavior contradicts their mission, people will find their words and behavior contradictory and, therefore, the objective of their mission will not be thoroughly fulfilled. Thus, God's wisdom and kindness necessitates that the prophets (AS) be pure and innocent,and refrain from committing any undeserving action even if unintentional or due to forgetfulness. The people will thus never accept unwillingness or forgetfulness as an excuse for the prophets (AS) to commit a sin.
\par The second intellectual reason for such infallibility is that the prophets (AS) are responsible for educating, purifying and helping the most talented of people reach the highest level of man's perfection. In other words, rather than solely teaching (\i Ta'leem\i0 ) and showing the people the right way, the prophets (AS) are responsible for educating (\i Tarbiyah\i0 ) and leading them. Such an education is public and includes the most talented and outstanding members of society. To educate such people needs the most deserving educators who are themselves at the topmost level of man's perfection and have the most perfect form of faculty
\par (\i Malakah) - \i0 the faculty of Infallibility (\i Malakat-al-esmah).
\par \i0 In addition, the educator's behavior in educating others is generally more important than his words; therefore, if a person has deficiencies in his behavior, his words will not affect the people in a desirable way. Hence, God's objective for sending prophets (AS) as the educators of people will not be thoroughly fulfilled unless they are immune against any kind of deviations in their words and behavior.
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prophetIslamic theology - mohammad taghi.mesbah - page 62-25
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The first intellectual reason for the necessity of the prophets' immunity against committing sin,lies in their purpose. Namely, the Prophet's mission is to guide man towards the truth and teach him how to perform the duties God has assigned to him.Moreover, the prophets (AS) are in fact the representatives of God among men and must guide them towards the right path (As-sirat al-mustaqeem). However, if such representatives and missionaries do not obey the Divine instructions themselves and their behavior contradicts their mission, people will find their words and behavior contradictory and, therefore, the objective of their mission will not be thoroughly fulfilled. Thus, God's wisdom and kindness necessitates that the prophets (AS) be pure and innocent,and refrain from committing any undeserving action even if unintentional or due to forgetfulness. The people will thus never accept unwillingness or forgetfulness as an excuse for the prophets (AS) to commit a sin. The second intellectual reason for such infallibility is that the prophets (AS) are responsible for educating, purifying and helping the most talented of people reach the highest level of man's perfection. In other words, rather than solely teaching (Ta'leem) and showing the people the right way, the prophets (AS) are responsible for educating (Tarbiyah) and leading them. Such an education is public and includes the most talented and outstanding members of society. To educate such people needs the most deserving educators who are themselves at the topmost level of man's perfection and have the most perfect form of faculty (Malakah) - the faculty of Infallibility (Malakat-al-esmah). In addition, the educator's behavior in educating others is generally more important than his words; therefore, if a person has deficiencies in his behavior, his words will not affect the people in a desirable way. Hence, God's objective for sending prophets (AS) as the educators of people will not be thoroughly fulfilled unless they are immune against any kind of deviations in their words and behavior.

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