Can the purpose behind creation be the life of this world?
Saturday, 14 April 2012 00:00
Sayyed Roohullah Musavi
تغيير عنوان و ويرايش سؤال و نگارش کلمات مرتبط
creation, life, world, death, Creator, existence
hereafter, God's attributes, knowing God, eschatology, God's wisdom, eternal lif
{\rtf1\fbidis\ansi\ansicpg1256\deff0\deflang1065{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\ltrpar\fi720\sl276\slmult1\lang1033\f0\fs28 Imagine a skillful painter who spends a great deal of time creating a magnificent work of art and then destroys it. Is it possible to regard such a person as rationally sound? There can be no doubt that no intelligent person would do such a thing.
\par \b Can the purpose behind the creation of the vast and magnificent scheme of being, woven together with such consummate skill, or the creation of man, with all his restless faculties and powers, be solely to live within the restricted, confined life of this world with all the contradictions it contains?\b0 Is it the destiny of man to struggle hopelessly in a whirlpool of fantasy and blind imaginings, to be the captive of false criteria of his own fashioning, and then to be scattered like a handful of dust particles in the infinitude of space once death closes the book of his life?
\par If this were to be the case, would it not make the Creator resemble that hypothetical artist, nihilistic and purposeless? Would it not be quite incompatible with the knowledge and wise power of that aware and creative Being the light of whose far-reaching purposiveness is manifest in the inner and outer aspect of every atom of creation?
\par \pard\ltrpar Were the divine wisdom to be thus drastically reduced, it could no longer be a broad river irrigating the whole plain of existence. The caravan of being is ultimately bound to reach absolute perfection in the course of its journeying therein, just as we, too, whose source of being is God, will also return to that ultimate truth.\f1\fs24
\par }
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Imagine a skillful painter who spends a great deal of time creating a magnificent work of art and then destroys it. Is it possible to regard such a person as rationally sound? There can be no doubt that no intelligent person would do such a thing. Can the purpose behind the creation of the vast and magnificent scheme of being, woven together with such consummate skill, or the creation of man, with all his restless faculties and powers, be solely to live within the restricted, confined life of this world with all the contradictions it contains? Is it the destiny of man to struggle hopelessly in a whirlpool of fantasy and blind imaginings, to be the captive of false criteria of his own fashioning, and then to be scattered like a handful of dust particles in the infinitude of space once death closes the book of his life? If this were to be the case, would it not make the Creator resemble that hypothetical artist, nihilistic and purposeless? Would it not be quite incompatible with the knowledge and wise power of that aware and creative Being the light of whose far-reaching purposiveness is manifest in the inner and outer aspect of every atom of creation? Were the divine wisdom to be thus drastically reduced, it could no longer be a broad river irrigating the whole plain of existence. The caravan of being is ultimately bound to reach absolute perfection in the course of its journeying therein, just as we, too, whose source of being is God, will also return to that ultimate truth.

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