Is it compatible with God's infinite justice and wisdom that the records should be closed in this world on the deeds of the good and the evil? Why?
Monday, 16 April 2012 00:00
Sayyed Roohullah Musavi
ويرايش متن، ويرايش کلمات کليدي و نگارش کلمات مرتبط
world, Criminals, Divine justice, Divine wisdom, God's mercy
eschatology, hereafter, day of reckoning, religious life, religiousness, day of judgment
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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\ltrpar\sl276\slmult1\lang1033\f0\fs28 We often observe that both the good and evil deeds of men are not subject to any final accounting in this world. Indeed, criminals and oppressive rulers who, with their claims of absolute sovereignty, encroach upon men's lives and freedoms, may enjoy opulence and luxury until the end of their lives. They shun no action that their polluted minds might inspire in them, and yet they are not caught by the firm grasp of justice and law, and they do not suffer the natural consequences of their deeds. There is no power or authority to prevent their oppression, nor to stop their encroachment on the rights of others, nor to restrict the scope of their power to their own private affairs.
\par \pard\ltrpar\sb100\sa100 In the end, both the oppressor and the oppressed, the one polluted with sin, and the wise one who strives to gain mastery over his passionate instincts and acquire virtue, who attains abundant spirituality through the adjoining of piety to his conduct, all of them will close their eyes on the world. It is undeniably true that religion forbids all forms of submission to unbelieving rulers and the acceptance of the tyrannical edicts put forth by oppressive governments, and that it regards resistance to all kinds of aggression as a necessary dictate of religion and life. Nonetheless, confrontation with oppressors does not always yield a positive result, and in the course of the struggle people may be trampled by the power of the oppressors and lose their lives. Were the files to be closed upon the deeds of the good and the evil in this world, so that they would be buried forever in the cemetery of nothingness, what would become of the infinite justice, wisdom, and mercy that God - whose justice and wisdom are manifest throughout His creation - cherishes for His servants?\cf1\f1\fs24
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We often observe that both the good and evil deeds of men are not subject to any final accounting in this world. Indeed, criminals and oppressive rulers who, with their claims of absolute sovereignty, encroach upon men's lives and freedoms, may enjoy opulence and luxury until the end of their lives. They shun no action that their polluted minds might inspire in them, and yet they are not caught by the firm grasp of justice and law, and they do not suffer the natural consequences of their deeds. There is no power or authority to prevent their oppression, nor to stop their encroachment on the rights of others, nor to restrict the scope of their power to their own private affairs. In the end, both the oppressor and the oppressed, the one polluted with sin, and the wise one who strives to gain mastery over his passionate instincts and acquire virtue, who attains abundant spirituality through the adjoining of piety to his conduct, all of them will close their eyes on the world. It is undeniably true that religion forbids all forms of submission to unbelieving rulers and the acceptance of the tyrannical edicts put forth by oppressive governments, and that it regards resistance to all kinds of aggression as a necessary dictate of religion and life. Nonetheless, confrontation with oppressors does not always yield a positive result, and in the course of the struggle people may be trampled by the power of the oppressors and lose their lives. Were the files to be closed upon the deeds of the good and the evil in this world, so that they would be buried forever in the cemetery of nothingness, what would become of the infinite justice, wisdom, and mercy that God - whose justice and wisdom are manifest throughout His creation - cherishes for His servants?

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