Surah Al-Fatihah
Top 10 Most Beautiful Reading surah al fatiha
1.Surah Al-Fatihah (The Opener): Arabic and English translation HD
I am not muslim, but i am learning the prayers and readings from Quran. It makes my heart warm, i dont know why. I cant explain the love or warmth clearly enough. I have been so tired. Thank you for these

2.Learn Surah Al-Fatiha | Quran for Kids | القرآن للأطفال - تعلّم سورة الفاتحة
Thank you so much for these videos! As a medical student it's been impossible to find the time to read the Qur'an and these videos have made all the difference and made it possible for me to expose myself to the Qur'an during this holy month of Ramadan. My dua is with you for your great contribution! My only sincere request is, if at all possible, for you to complete the entire Qur'an! Thanks so much!

3.Surat Al-Fatihah (The Opener) | Mishary Rashid Alafasy | مشاري بن راشد العفاسي | سورة الفاتحة
Mashallah. New revert here and I gotta say, this has to be the best break down I’ve seen so far with the chapters part you guys added. Really let’s me zone in on each part so that I can learn the surah for salat. May Allah bless you brother.

4.Animation 3D Juz Amma Al-Fatihah | Recite Quran with Battar Train Hijaiyah | ABATA Channel
Animation 3D Juz Amma Al Fatihah, Recite Quran with Battar for Kids,Children, Babies, Toddlers, Preschoolers & Kindergarten. The following video was created to help children learn letters of the Arabic Alphabet. This video was created in appreciation to our viewers in countries that use Arabic as a first language.

SURAH AL-FATIHAH | Slow & Soothing | سُّورَةُ الفَاتِحَة | Ubayd Rabbani
I'm a converted muslima. Your Quran recitation touched my heart so much. Alhamdu lillah we alf shukr. Your voice is like an angels voice and given by Allah. Shukran for sharing with us The following video was created to help children learn letters of the Arabic Alphabet. This video was created in appreciation to our viewers in countries that use Arabic as a first language.

6.Al-Fatiha (Opening Surah) ► Beautiful Recitation & Explanation
Surah Fatiha is the gist of the entire Quran. This Surah has got 7 (seven) sentences only. Every sentence is full of meanings. It is the Wonder of the Holy Quran. There is no miracle in it but has the total Guidance for Honest Believers only. Ameen-Amen. The following video was created to help children learn letters of the Arabic Alphabet. This video was created in appreciation to our viewers in countries that use Arabic as a first language.

7.Hazamin Inteam - Surah Al-Fatihah
Good voice, saya paling suka baca al Qur'an , semoga rakan semua dan saya memasuk syurga bersama sama, semoga saya akan jumpa anak saya di syurga Allah ? Terima kasih... ?

8.Most Relaxing Voice - AlFatihah Maqam Nahawand By Muhammad Imam An Nasai
The same style of reciting as my idol , Mishary Rashid and Fatih Seferagic. Subhanallah, well done mate , keep this up .

9.SURAH AL-FATIHAH (Recited by Muhammad Taha al-Junayd)
Syaikh Muhammad Ibrahim Shalih Thaha Al-Junayd Rizky want to Shalat together with you and also Do'a with you Salam

10.Learn Al-Fatiha (Opening Surah of the holy Quran)
I've always heard that quran was very poetic but I've never thought that it was THAT poetic. i'm amazed about how beauty it sounds even when i can't understant arabic.