How did Imam al-Askari put the vicegerency of Imam al-Mahdi?
Monday, 30 November -0001 00:00
Sayyed Roohullah Musavi
Imam al-Askari, Imam al-Mahdi
Occultation, reappearance, Imamah
{\rtf1\fbidis\ansi\ansicpg1256\deff0\deflang1065{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 PalatinoLinotypeBold,Bold;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 1Broadway;}{\f2\froman\fprq2\fcharset178{\*\fname Times New Roman;}Times New Roman (Arabic);}{\f3\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f4\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Impact;}{\f5\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f6\fnil\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\ltrpar\lang1033\b\f0\fs22 Imam Abu Muhammad (a.s.) spent his short life in sufferings
\par and distresses. The Abbasid kings spared no effort in
\par oppressing him. They moved him from one prison to another.
\par The reality is that The Abbasids feared from the Awaited Imam whom the
\par Prophet (a.s) had brought good news about. They feared that the Awaited Imam (a.s.) would spread political, social justice allover the world, would do away with all kinds
\par of injustice and oppression, and defeat all tyrants and oppressive powers in the world.
\par Imam al-Mehdi (a.s.) is the hope not only for Muslims but for
\par all oppressed human beings who suffer slavery, oppression,
\par and subjection. He is the Savior who will free the will of man
\par and save peoples and nations from the oppression of the
\par corruptive regimes who have turned this world into an
\par unbearable hell.
\par Imam al-Askari introduced his son as his successor many times but for his trustworthy companions and even showed them his beloved son with utmost caution lest the spies of the tyrants beware of his existence. Let's see some of these traditions:
\par Ahmad bin Isaaq bin Sa'eed al-Ash'ari said: "Once, I went
\par to Abu Muhammad al-Hasan bin Ali (a.s.) intending to ask
\par him about the successor after him. He said to me before I
\par asked him: "O Ahmad bin Isaaq, Allah the Almighty did not
\par deprive the earth since He created Adam and He does not
\par deprive it until the Day of Resurrection of an authority over
\par His people. By him (the authority) distresses are pushed away
\par from the people of the earth, by him rain falls down, and by
\par him the blessings of the earth are emitted."
\par I said to him: "O son of the messenger of Allah, who is the
\par imam and successor after you?" He got up hastily and went in
\par the house. Then, he came out holding a three-year-old boy,
\par whose face was like a full moon, on his shoulder and said: "O
\par Ahmad, were it not for your honor near Allah the Almighty
\par and near His authorities, I would not show you my this son.
\par He was named and surnamed like the messenger of Allah
\par (a.s.). He will fill the earth with justice and fairness after it
\par has been filled with injustice and oppression. O Ahmad, he,
\par in this nation, is like al-Khidhr and Thul Qarnayn. By
\par Allah, he will hide in an occultation, during which no one
\par shall be saved except one whom Allah fixes on the believing
\par in his imamate and supplicating Allah to hasten his
\par deliverance." I said: "Is there any sign so that I may be sure?"
\par The young boy said: "I am the representative of Allah in His
\par earth and the avenger on His enemies. Do not look for a sign
\par after a proof!"
\par I left delightedly. On the following day, I came back to him
\par and said: "O son of the messenger of Allah, my delight was so
\par great for what you favored me with. Would you please tell me
\par what norm with al-Khidr and Thul Qarnayn was?"
\par He said: "Long occultation."
\par I said: "O son of the messenger of Allah, shall his (Imam al-
\par Mehdi.s) occultation last long?"
\par Imam Abu Muhammad (a.s.) said: "Yes, by my Lord, until
\par many of those, who believe in this matter (occultation and
\par reappearance), shall apostatize, and no one shall remain
\par (believing) except those whom Allah has taken from them a
\par covenant on our guardianship, fixed faith in their hearts, and
\par supported them with a mercy from Him. O Ahmad, this is a
\par command from Allah, a secret from the secrets of Allah, and
\par an unseen matter from the unseen of Allah. Take what I told
\par you, and be from the grateful, you shall be with us in
\par Illiyin."\b0\f1\fs14 1\b\f0\fs22 .\b0\f1\fs14 2
\par \b\f0\fs22
\par Muhammad bin Uthman al-Umari narrated that his father
\par Said: "Once, I was with Abu Muhammad al-Hasan bin Ali (al-
\par Askari) when he was asked about the tradition transmitted
\par from his father that the earth would not be empty from an
\par authority from Allah over His people until the Day of
\par Resurrection, and that whoever died without knowing the
\par imam of his age would die as an unbeliever. He said: "This is
\par true as day is true."
\par Someone asked him: "O son of the messenger of Allah, then,
\par who shall be the authority and imam after you?"
\par He said:"My son Muhammad is the imam and the authority
\par after me. Whoever dies without knowing (acknowledging) him
\par shall dies as an unbeliever. He will be in an occultation where
\par the ignorant will be confused, deniers will perish, and daters\b0\f1\fs14 1
\par \b\f0\fs22 will tell lies. Then, he will reappear, and as if I see white flags
\par fluttering over his head at the hill of Kufa...\b0\f1\fs14 3
\par \b\f0\fs22
\par Musa ibn Ja'far al-Baghdadi narrated that he had heard
\par Imam Abu Muhammad al-Hasan bin Ali al-Askari (a.s.)
\par Saying: "As if I see that you will disagree after me on my
\par successor. Surely, he, who believes in the imams after the
\par messenger of Allah (a.s.) but denies my son, is like one, who
\par believes in all prophets and messengers of Allah but denies
\par the prophethood of the messenger of Allah (Muhammad)
\par (a.s.), because the obedience of the last of us is like the
\par obedience of the first of us, and one, who denies the last of us,
\par is like one who denies the first of us. My son will have an
\par occultation where people will be in doubt about it except
\par those whom Allah preserves."\b0\f1\fs14 4\b\f0\fs22
\par \pard\rtlpar\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qr\lang1065\b0\f2\rtlch
\par \pard\ltrpar\lang1033\f3\ltrch\fs36 --------------------------------------------------\f4
\par References:
\par \fs13 1 \b\f5\fs20 Illiyin is the highest position in the Paradise.
\par \b0\f4\fs13 2 \b\f5\fs20 Ikmaluddeen by Sheikh as-Saduq, p.216-217.\f0\fs22
\par \pard\rtlpar\sa200\sl276\slmult1\b0\f4\fs13 3 \b\f5\fs20 Kifayat al-Athar.
\par \b0\f4\fs13 4 \b\f5\fs20 Kifayat al-Athar.
\par \pard\ltrpar\qr\lang1065\b0\f6
\par }
The Life of Imam Askari (as), by Allamah Qurashi
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Imam al-Askari

Imam Abu Muhammad (a.s.) spent his short life in sufferings and distresses. The Abbasid kings spared no effort in oppressing him. They moved him from one prison to another. The reality is that The Abbasids feared from the Awaited Imam whom the Prophet (a.s) had brought good news about. They feared that the Awaited Imam (a.s.) would spread political, social justice allover the world, would do away with all kinds of injustice and oppression, and defeat all tyrants and oppressive powers in the world. Imam al-Mehdi (a.s.) is the hope not only for Muslims but for all oppressed human beings who suffer slavery, oppression, and subjection. He is the Savior who will free the will of man and save peoples and nations from the oppression of the corruptive regimes who have turned this world into an unbearable hell. Imam al-Askari introduced his son as his successor many times but for his trustworthy companions and even showed them his beloved son with utmost caution lest the spies of the tyrants beware of his existence. Let's see some of these traditions: Ahmad bin Isaaq bin Sa'eed al-Ash'ari said: "Once, I went to Abu Muhammad al-Hasan bin Ali (a.s.) intending to ask him about the successor after him. He said to me before I asked him: "O Ahmad bin Isaaq, Allah the Almighty did not deprive the earth since He created Adam and He does not deprive it until the Day of Resurrection of an authority over His people. By him (the authority) distresses are pushed away from the people of the earth, by him rain falls down, and by him the blessings of the earth are emitted." I said to him: "O son of the messenger of Allah, who is the imam and successor after you?" He got up hastily and went in the house. Then, he came out holding a three-year-old boy, whose face was like a full moon, on his shoulder and said: "O Ahmad, were it not for your honor near Allah the Almighty and near His authorities, I would not show you my this son. He was named and surnamed like the messenger of Allah (a.s.). He will fill the earth with justice and fairness after it has been filled with injustice and oppression. O Ahmad, he, in this nation, is like al-Khidhr and Thul Qarnayn. By Allah, he will hide in an occultation, during which no one shall be saved except one whom Allah fixes on the believing in his imamate and supplicating Allah to hasten his deliverance." I said: "Is there any sign so that I may be sure?" The young boy said: "I am the representative of Allah in His earth and the avenger on His enemies. Do not look for a sign after a proof!" I left delightedly. On the following day, I came back to him and said: "O son of the messenger of Allah, my delight was so great for what you favored me with. Would you please tell me what norm with al-Khidr and Thul Qarnayn was?" He said: "Long occultation." I said: "O son of the messenger of Allah, shall his (Imam al- Mehdi.s) occultation last long?" Imam Abu Muhammad (a.s.) said: "Yes, by my Lord, until many of those, who believe in this matter (occultation and reappearance), shall apostatize, and no one shall remain (believing) except those whom Allah has taken from them a covenant on our guardianship, fixed faith in their hearts, and supported them with a mercy from Him. O Ahmad, this is a command from Allah, a secret from the secrets of Allah, and an unseen matter from the unseen of Allah. Take what I told you, and be from the grateful, you shall be with us in Illiyin."1.2 Muhammad bin Uthman al-Umari narrated that his father Said: "Once, I was with Abu Muhammad al-Hasan bin Ali (al- Askari) when he was asked about the tradition transmitted from his father that the earth would not be empty from an authority from Allah over His people until the Day of Resurrection, and that whoever died without knowing the imam of his age would die as an unbeliever. He said: "This is true as day is true." Someone asked him: "O son of the messenger of Allah, then, who shall be the authority and imam after you?" He said:"My son Muhammad is the imam and the authority after me. Whoever dies without knowing (acknowledging) him shall dies as an unbeliever. He will be in an occultation where the ignorant will be confused, deniers will perish, and daters1 will tell lies. Then, he will reappear, and as if I see white flags fluttering over his head at the hill of Kufa...3 Musa ibn Ja'far al-Baghdadi narrated that he had heard Imam Abu Muhammad al-Hasan bin Ali al-Askari (a.s.) Saying: "As if I see that you will disagree after me on my successor. Surely, he, who believes in the imams after the messenger of Allah (a.s.) but denies my son, is like one, who believes in all prophets and messengers of Allah but denies the prophethood of the messenger of Allah (Muhammad) (a.s.), because the obedience of the last of us is like the obedience of the first of us, and one, who denies the last of us, is like one who denies the first of us. My son will have an occultation where people will be in doubt about it except those whom Allah preserves."4



1 Illiyin is the highest position in the Paradise.

2 Ikmaluddeen by Sheikh as-Saduq, p.216-217.

3 Kifayat al-Athar.

4 Kifayat al-Athar.

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