Does the world punish all crimes justly? Does it reward virtue in a fitting and complete manner?
Tuesday, 17 April 2012 00:00
Sayyed Roohullah Musavi
ويرايش عنوان و سؤال و ويرايش متن و اضافات و ويرايش کلمات کليدي و نگارش کلمات مرتبط
crimes, punishment, rewards, God, retribution
resurrection, eschatology, hereafter, Divine justice, day of judgment
{\rtf1\fbidis\ansi\ansicpg1256\deff0\deflang1065{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}}
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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\ltrpar\fi720\sl276\slmult1\lang1033\f0\fs28 Certain crimes and evils are so extensive in their effects that they cannot be adequately punished in this world because of its limited time span. Crimes are sometimes so grave that the punishment inflicted by men is not equal to the task of imposing on the criminal the punishment he deserves. The criminal plunderer for whom the world is nothing but a carcass on which to feed, kills and consumes at will; his hands are stained with the blood of hundreds or thousands of people whom he drags into the slaughterhouse. He is so sunk in the mire of vice and injustice that he is incapable of learning lessons from the past or thinking of a better and more enlightened future. If, despite all his crimes, his soul were to be taken in just the same way as that of one of his victims, the punishment involved would be unjust and grossly unequal, for he would then have been punished for only one of his victims and all his other crimes would remain unpunished.
\par Many crimes are beyond the scope of worldly retribution. If we wish to analyze matters more logically, we must look further, beyond this world. There is also the consideration that no authority in this world has the power to restore to men all the rights which have been violated. Similarly, the world does not have the capacity to reward virtue in a fitting and complete manner. When we attempt to assess the value of the unrelenting efforts that the pure and the virtuous expend in this world, which is full of trouble and pain, we realize that the rewards available here are very slight. What reward can be given in this world, commensurate with the value of his efforts, to one who has benefited millions of people with his treasury of knowledge and learning or sincere and devoted service?
\par How (and where) in this world will one be rewarded who has devoted all his life to the worship of God and the support of His servants, whose services extend in manifold ways to whole societies, and who ultimately gives up his life for the sake of divine goals?
\par \cf1 The temporal limitation imposed on life in this world does not permit the pious to receive their complete rewards and fully reap the fruits of their devotion and self-sacrifice. Therefore, there must be another world with the full capacity to be the manifestation of God's justice, a world in which all people get the full consequences of their actions.
\par \cf0 The Quran says:
\par \pard\ltrpar\fi720\li720\sl276\slmult1
\par \pard\ltrpar\li1440\sl276\slmult1 'Shall We make those who believe in God and do good deeds like those who work corruption on earth? Shall We requite the pious and God-fearing men like the sinful and the doers of evil? Do those who have committed foul and sinful deeds imagine that We will grant them a rank like that of those who believe in God and do good works, so that they will be alike in death and in life? Theirs is a false and ignorant notion. God has created the heavens and the earth in justice, and ultimately every soul shall receive the requital for its deeds without any injustice' (45:21-22).
\par \pard\ltrpar\qr\f1\fs24
\par }
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Certain crimes and evils are so extensive in their effects that they cannot be adequately punished in this world because of its limited time span. Crimes are sometimes so grave that the punishment inflicted by men is not equal to the task of imposing on the criminal the punishment he deserves. The criminal plunderer for whom the world is nothing but a carcass on which to feed, kills and consumes at will; his hands are stained with the blood of hundreds or thousands of people whom he drags into the slaughterhouse. He is so sunk in the mire of vice and injustice that he is incapable of learning lessons from the past or thinking of a better and more enlightened future. If, despite all his crimes, his soul were to be taken in just the same way as that of one of his victims, the punishment involved would be unjust and grossly unequal, for he would then have been punished for only one of his victims and all his other crimes would remain unpunished. Many crimes are beyond the scope of worldly retribution. If we wish to analyze matters more logically, we must look further, beyond this world. There is also the consideration that no authority in this world has the power to restore to men all the rights which have been violated. Similarly, the world does not have the capacity to reward virtue in a fitting and complete manner. When we attempt to assess the value of the unrelenting efforts that the pure and the virtuous expend in this world, which is full of trouble and pain, we realize that the rewards available here are very slight. What reward can be given in this world, commensurate with the value of his efforts, to one who has benefited millions of people with his treasury of knowledge and learning or sincere and devoted service? How (and where) in this world will one be rewarded who has devoted all his life to the worship of God and the support of His servants, whose services extend in manifold ways to whole societies, and who ultimately gives up his life for the sake of divine goals? The temporal limitation imposed on life in this world does not permit the pious to receive their complete rewards and fully reap the fruits of their devotion and self-sacrifice. Therefore, there must be another world with the full capacity to be the manifestation of God's justice, a world in which all people get the full consequences of their actions. The Quran says: 'Shall We make those who believe in God and do good deeds like those who work corruption on earth? Shall We requite the pious and God-fearing men like the sinful and the doers of evil? Do those who have committed foul and sinful deeds imagine that We will grant them a rank like that of those who believe in God and do good works, so that they will be alike in death and in life? Theirs is a false and ignorant notion. God has created the heavens and the earth in justice, and ultimately every soul shall receive the requital for its deeds without any injustice' (45:21-22).

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