How does God's justice establish the need for a precise accounting of men's deeds?
Monday, 16 April 2012 00:00
Sayyed Roohullah Musavi
ويرايش کلمات کليدي و نگارش کلمات مرتبط
God, oppressors, injustice, justice, resurrection
eschatology, Divine Justice, hereafter, punishment, reward, wrong doers, hell
{\rtf1\fbidis\ansi\ansicpg1256\deff0\deflang1065{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\ltrpar\fi720\sl276\slmult1\lang1033\f0\fs28 If we accept that God has created an environment in which numerous evil-doers and oppressors are able to continue on their chosen path until the last moment of their lives, without recognizing any limit on their behavior to stoop to any vile act in order to gain power and gratify their desires, if we accept that this is possible without their being called to account, and that the oppressed continue to writhe beneath the lash of unfair treatment and deprivation until their last gasp, can all of this be called anything but oppression and injustice?
\par Now we know that nobody who has the slightest notion of love and justice would consent to such a state of affairs; how then could the most Sacred Essence of God, from whose being infinite pity, love, and justice flow forth, accept such injustice and place His seal of approval on it? How would the creative mind of man, the most sublime aspect of his being that guides him to knowledge of himself and the universe judge this matter?
\par \pard\ltrpar It is true that God has not directly permitted the commission of cruelty against a given person. However, the fact that a certain collectivity grants some criminal oppressor the freedom and power to act as he wills, and in the end exempts him from all punishment, is in itself a clear form of injustice. \b The link between God's justice and the need for a precise accounting of men's deeds thus makes the necessity for resurrection irrefutably clear.
\par }
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If we accept that God has created an environment in which numerous evil-doers and oppressors are able to continue on their chosen path until the last moment of their lives, without recognizing any limit on their behavior to stoop to any vile act in order to gain power and gratify their desires, if we accept that this is possible without their being called to account, and that the oppressed continue to writhe beneath the lash of unfair treatment and deprivation until their last gasp, can all of this be called anything but oppression and injustice? Now we know that nobody who has the slightest notion of love and justice would consent to such a state of affairs; how then could the most Sacred Essence of God, from whose being infinite pity, love, and justice flow forth, accept such injustice and place His seal of approval on it? How would the creative mind of man, the most sublime aspect of his being that guides him to knowledge of himself and the universe judge this matter? It is true that God has not directly permitted the commission of cruelty against a given person. However, the fact that a certain collectivity grants some criminal oppressor the freedom and power to act as he wills, and in the end exempts him from all punishment, is in itself a clear form of injustice. The link between God's justice and the need for a precise accounting of men's deeds thus makes the necessity for resurrection irrefutably clear.

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