Can the certainty and inevitability of resurrection be proved by self-evident first premises? How?
Wednesday, 18 April 2012 00:00
Sayyed Roohullah Musavi
ويرايش عنوان و سؤال و ويرايش و اضافه به متن، ويرايش کلمات مرتبط و نگارش کلمات کليدي
self-evident first premises, nature, truth, world, creation, resurrection, death, logic
cosmology, eschatology, hereafter, fitrah, reason and religion, Islamic cosmology
{\rtf1\fbidis\ansi\ansicpg1256\deff0\deflang1065{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}}
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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\ltrpar\fi720\sb100\sa100\sl276\slmult1\lang1033\f0\fs28 It is undoubtedly true - indeed, it is beyond the shadow of a doubt -that the knowledge of man is based on certain self-evident first premises; if these are subjected to doubt, the authority to which all of man's knowledge goes back will be shaken, and no reliance can be placed on any knowledge at all. \b The witness borne by man's innermost, primordial nature constitutes, in fact, the highest form of evidence, and no logic can contest it.
\par \b0 Without having any need for deduction and proof, we can understand, aided by our primordial disposition, that the order of being is based upon justice and accountability. Whatever arises from our essence is part of our being and part of the order of creation, and this is an order that admits of no error.\cf1 \cf0 It is the inward nature of man that makes it possible for him to arrive at the truth.
\par When our instinctive awareness and our nature inspire in us the knowledge that answerability, accounting, and law exist in the universe, when our primordial disposition issues a judgement to this effect, we have in fact acquired a decisive proof that is superior to empirically-attained certainty, for we perceive the certainty and inevitability of resurrection with full clarity once we understand it by means of our inner nature.
\par \pard\ltrpar\qr We feel clearly that unaccountability and meaninglessness have no foundation in the objective world. Firm laws regulate all existing things, from the minute particles of the atom to the vast heavenly bodies. The birth and death of planets and stars, the transformation of the mass of the sun into luminous energy, all take place by way of an equation. The different forms of organic matter each have their own lines of attraction, and nothing goes to waste, even the energy of one part of an atom. In short, the entire order of creation follows an unvarying regularity; it is like a tablet of firm and unbending laws. This coherent, harmonious and just world that we perceive by our inner nature rejects the possibility of the lack of an afterlife, which, once again, we can only perceive as a matter of injustice and inharmony. \f1\fs24
\par }
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self-evident first premises

It is undoubtedly true - indeed, it is beyond the shadow of a doubt -that the knowledge of man is based on certain self-evident first premises; if these are subjected to doubt, the authority to which all of man's knowledge goes back will be shaken, and no reliance can be placed on any knowledge at all. The witness borne by man's innermost, primordial nature constitutes, in fact, the highest form of evidence, and no logic can contest it. Without having any need for deduction and proof, we can understand, aided by our primordial disposition, that the order of being is based upon justice and accountability. Whatever arises from our essence is part of our being and part of the order of creation, and this is an order that admits of no error. It is the inward nature of man that makes it possible for him to arrive at the truth. When our instinctive awareness and our nature inspire in us the knowledge that answerability, accounting, and law exist in the universe, when our primordial disposition issues a judgement to this effect, we have in fact acquired a decisive proof that is superior to empirically-attained certainty, for we perceive the certainty and inevitability of resurrection with full clarity once we understand it by means of our inner nature. We feel clearly that unaccountability and meaninglessness have no foundation in the objective world. Firm laws regulate all existing things, from the minute particles of the atom to the vast heavenly bodies. The birth and death of planets and stars, the transformation of the mass of the sun into luminous energy, all take place by way of an equation. The different forms of organic matter each have their own lines of attraction, and nothing goes to waste, even the energy of one part of an atom. In short, the entire order of creation follows an unvarying regularity; it is like a tablet of firm and unbending laws. This coherent, harmonious and just world that we perceive by our inner nature rejects the possibility of the lack of an afterlife, which, once again, we can only perceive as a matter of injustice and inharmony.

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