Surah al-Baqarah
Top 10 Surah al Baqarah Most Beautiful Reading
1.Surah 02 - Al Baqarah Mishary Rashid Alafasy
2.Surah Al Baqarah Al Sudais 4K سورة البقرة السديس (كاملة مكتوبة) تلاوة رائعة (دون اعلانات) جودة عالية
Almighty Allah accord blessings of this Surah on whole Muslim Ummah including myself and mine family members also nearby relatives. Ameen

3.Surah Al Baqarah FULL! سورة البقرة كامل للقارئ عمر هشام العربي
What a beautiful gift from Brother Omar on the last Friday of Ramadan ?? Alhamdulilah - everybody make a special dua for Brother Omar and his family, may Allah bless you abundantly for all your efforts this Ramadan. You have touched our hearts on a daily basis with your beautiful recitations Subhanallah ??

AL BAQARAH · Abdul Rahman Al Ousy
For anyone who wants to memorize any surah in an easy and efficient way, I suggest downloading the audio files for the surah recitations and use an audio player app that has A-B loop feature. Set the loop for 1-2 verses at a time and listen repeatedly. Afterwards, read the same verses from the Quran directly trying to recall the recitation from your head. Afterwards, listen again to the recitation from the set loop and repeat the process. Inn sha Allah that will really help you get the verses rooted in memory.

AL-BAQARAH FULL - Muzammil Hasballah
Mashaa Allah tabarakallah...selalu seneng denger ustadz Muzamil murotal dan yg paling saya suka ketika anak saya yg rewel susah untuk tidur, pas denger lantunan ayat suci Al-Qur'an lsg tenang dan TDR dgn nyenyak. The following video was created to help children learn letters of the Arabic Alphabet. This video was created in appreciation to our viewers in countries that use Arabic as a first language.

Surat Al Baqarah Full by Sheikh Saad Al-Ghamdi
Wow MASHA ALLAH nice voice your voice is helping me to finish hafiz quran who is doing hifz like hear

Surah Al Baqarah - Abdul Basit Abdul Samad سورة البقرة كاملة للشيخ عبد الباسط عبد الصمد
اعظم شيء في الوجود علي الاطلاق سماع القران الكريم وتلاوته وتطبيق اوامره فهو الجنة المطلقة الواسعة التى تعلو كل مستويات النعيم فالحمد لله رب العالمين حمداً دائماً في كل لحظة

8.Muzammil Hasballah Surah Al Baqarah full
Masya Allah...sehat selalu ya semoga kita semua dalam lindungan Allah SWT dan berada dalam jalannya dan semoga d lancarkan rezekin kita semua amiiin☺

9.Mishary Rashid Al-Afasy - Surah Al Baqarah (Official-Video)
Assalammualaikum..ya Allah..kau ampun kn la sgala2 dosa hamba mu yg mendengar surah ini..dan bagi la mereka menjadi alhafiz dan alhafizah kalam mu ya Allah..??

10.Al Baqarah (Complete Chapter With Arabic & English)
I listen to this surah every day In the morning and I’m so happy to listen to this beautiful recitation tomorrow inshAllah